The above heading will raise you a question. Is Jesus Christ a Man or a GOD? The answer for the question is, Jesus is 100% normal human being when he was living in this world. He had all the emotions and feeling of a normal man. But, at the same time he is 100% GOD.
It is impossible to discover or understand Lord Jesus Christ fully because Jesus is GOD. Let we see about Jesus from the following questions.
1. Who is Jesus?
- Jesus is the Son of GOD (Hebrew 5:5)
- Jesus is a Saviour
- Jesus is a Redeemer
- Jesus is a Mediator between GOD and the people ( I Timothy 2:5,6)
- Jesus is an Apostle (Hebrew 3:1) etc.
- Jesus is God.
2. What is the main cause for Jesus’s birth in this world?
- The major criteria for the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ in this world is for the fulfillment of the will of GOD i.e., to save the world from all sins. (John 1:29).
3. What are the Characteristics of the Lord Jesus Christ?
- Jesus is a Holy Person i.e., (Jesus had never committed any sin during his life in the world. John 1:29)
- Jesus is a Loving Person i.e., (Jesus loves all the people in the world even those people who disliked Him and those who does injustice to Him. Luke 23:34)
- Jesus is a Peaceful and Humble Person (It is one of the most important characteristics of the Lord Jesus Christ. Mark 13:4,5 / Philippians 2:5-11)
- Jesus is a Prayerful Person i.e., (Jesus spent most of the time in prayer only. Mark 1:35)
- Jesus is a Brave Person i.e., (Jesus showed all His braveness in cleansing the Church which was filled with business. John 2:13-25)
- Jesus is a Hard worker i.e., (Jesus spent all His time only in fulfilling the will of GOD Despite in food or in other worldly things. John 4:31-34)
The above are some of the characteristic features of the Lord Jesus Christ. Let we try to fulfil the above. Many people thing that it is very difficult to be Holy, Peaceful and Humble. But it is possible. The Lord Jesus Christ itself is a great model. Being a normal human being in this world, Jesus has fulfilled all the above. Something is impossible for man. But, everything is possible with GOD.
Believe Him, Love Him and Follow Him to be a Perfect Man.
Once again, remember these words; Jesus is 100% a normal human being when he was living in this world. He had all the emotions and feeling of a normal man. But, at the same time he is 100% GOD., He is GOD., He is GOD. … ..,