Where Lord Jesus Christ died for Human Sins– Quiz Mar 2018 2nd week
Every one in the word knows about Lord Jesus death. Today Quiz is about Lord Jesus Question: Where Lord Jesus Christ died for Human Sins– Quiz Mar 2018 2nd week
Bible Quiz for this Week – Jan 2018 Week 3
How many times 666 is referred in bible? Answer by using the below Form Loading…
Bible Quiz for this Week – Jan 2018 Week 2
Among the following, which bible reference clearly describes Father(Lord) Son(Jesus) Holy Sprit are same? A. John 10:30 B. John 17:21 C. Colossians 2:9-10 D. John 14: 8 – 11 Answer by using the below Form Loading…
Bible Quiz for this Week – Jan 2018 Week 1
< According to the Bible Reference, How many miracles was done by Jesus? If you know the answer for the bible quiz, Submit your answers along with your mail ID. It will helpful for us to send some gifts. Loading…
Shape of the earth – Answer from Holy Bible
There are many arguments happens and happening related to the shape of the earth. There is no phrase in the Holy Bible, like “The shape of the world is Flat”. I will share you a verse from Holy Bible about…
New Zodiac sign change – Jesus Quotes from bible
recently Zodiac Sign Change: Very recently Nasa told that all the defined astrological signs of all the humans are changed. It happens because of the change in the stars in the sky. We have to understand what our Holy Bible…
where jesus said I am god?
In Bible Where Jesus said I am God? Many people are asking the question; particularly people from certain religion are asking this question. Before explaining these things, I want to say few things. Please read bible properly, please don’t collect…
What is Holy Spirit ? What Jesus said about Holy Spirit
What is Holy Spirit ? (The Holy Spirit referred in Bible) Holy Spirit is a spirit, Which is not visible to human eyes and doesn’t have any physical appearance. It is a feel and a Character that lives with you…
Why Jesus Christ Born as a Man, is it Necessary ?
Why Jesus Born., ஏன் இயேசு பிறந்தார் ? (Why Jesus Christ Born?) Jesus Christ was born on 2015 years ago as Man, Bible Says, “Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost”. Two primary things are there to concentrate:…
Jesus’s Face
Jesus’s Face Many have Different ideas about Jesus’s Face, today I come across one News that Jesus Face Drawn by Richard Neavea Medical artist retired from the University of Manchester in England who have drawn Jesus based on his Idea…