666 in facebook Logo
666 in facebook, According to the Bible, 666 is going to rule the world after the Rapture. But some of the things which has some resemblance of 666 started to rule the world now onwards. For example maximum 90% Online…
Who is Jesus? Jesus is a Man or God
The above heading will raise you a question. Is Jesus Christ a Man or a GOD? The answer for the question is, Jesus is 100% normal human being when he was living in this world. He had all the emotions…
In the early period of the world, the human beings need food, cloths, shelter as their basic need. After some improvement they think that education is the basic need for a man to lead a successful life. Yes, it is…
True Love means JESUS
True Love “True Love doesn’t expect anything but it gives everything to you”. That Love was born on 2017 Years ago in the name of Jesus. “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it…
Jesus – One and Only God
Jesus is the One and Only God. Who is Jesus ? God Come down as a Man to save them from the Sin, Satan and the fear of death.